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Editing Articles~

You need a GitHub user account to be able to edit

If you spot an error in an article use the pencil icon link at the top of the page, near the title, to correct it. This version of documentation uses strick markdown syntax with some enchancements. See Markdown Cheatsheet for all features

You'll be taken to the GitHub repository page of that file.

Edit file

Click on the edit button (pencil icon). Edit/Add the text you wanted. When finished find the Propose file change button at the bottom and click it.

Propose file change

Next you need to click Create pull request which is GitHub speak for propose changes. Create pull request

In the PR window add a small description of what you did and click Create pull request Create pull request

Now you wait for one of the Tasmota admins to approve your PR (or deny 😈, no guarantees!)


You've made a contribution to the project making it a better experience for all future users. Thank you!